Troop 165 - Round Rock

High on Adventure

Camping, hiking, archery/shooting sports, backpacking, sailing, climbing, canoeing, white water, service to your community, and so much more. You can do it all!

Troop 165 values solid training, learning by doing and supporting scouts in their personal growth and rank advancement. We have many Eagle Scouts, and a flexible approach to help your scout participate in sports, band, and other activities.

Why Should You Join Scouting?

Scouts become a part of a team of their peers in a patrol. In the patrol they learn to work together and practice leadership. Scouts BSA is a youth led organization. The scouts are actively involved in the functions of a troop, including the planning and organization of trips, food planning and preparation, and making sure they have the needed equipment and gear. Scouting develops friendships, social skills, and confidence.

While much of scouting is done outdoors, the skills learned will help scouts be more self reliant and resourceful in other aspects of life as well.


New Eagle Scouts!

  • Abhay Kunduru 110th

  • Owen Kedroski 111th

New parents, please download our Parent Guide.

New Parent Guide

Note: This is dated and in the process of being revised

Latest Court of Honor Slide Show

Note: Troop email required

Sign up HERE to present your cyber chip presentation at a troop meeting.